The Breakout Journey Pt. 2: The Golden Opportunity

Oct 06, 2022

Author: Wassim Dabboussi

Welcome back to The Breakout Journey Series!

This is a three-part series where I’m sharing some stories of our coaches, a lot of practical ways for you to centre yourself on this part of the journey, why to believe it in the long-term, and get you to look forward to the next bull run!

Today, we’re talking about The Golden Opportunity. 

Long story short, it’s the reasons why crypto is going to make waves for the next generations to come and why this is the greatest time for you to begin.

If you're on the fence on whether or not to start your digital wealth journey – let this series be an eye-opener to show you what could happen to you.


The world is changing and so are we. We are starting to see people use cryptocurrencies for everyday activities. People are making their living by trading cryptocurrencies, people are buying goods with cryptocurrencies and people are even paying their bills with cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrencies are the future of money because they have the potential to change our lives in many ways.

For example, Bitcoin has grown exponentially since its creation in 2009. In just this decade alone, Bitcoin grew from $0 to over $20,000! 

Bitcoin is only one out of the thousands of coins available in the cryptocurrency market. 

This rapid growth isn’t going to stop anytime soon, as more and more people start using cryptocurrencies as a form of payment and investment opportunity.

According to a Roy Morgan research into the investments of Australians, one 1 million Australians already own at least one cryptocurrency and there is no doubt that this trend will continue this year as well!

This is me, Wassim Dabboussi. If you’ve been following me for a bit, you know how much of an advocate I am for cryptocurrency

Funnily enough, I was one of the Australians that didn’t believe in crypto before. Back in 2017, I didn’t fully understand crypto but I trusted blindly and ended up getting scammed. 

So, when the opportunity came knocking back in 2020, all my walls were up. 

I had even stronger reservations at this time. 

I went from being broke, depressed, and losing everything to being financially independent and thriving - all in under 12 months. That was all through the digital assets, something I was so fearful and doubtful about only a few years ago. 

I remember that day so clearly when our Prime Minister went on national television and announced the Australian lockdown. 

No one was allowed to leave their homes. I was coaching and owned a gym then, and guess what happened?

The business couldn’t survive. With no income, I had to close it down. The institutions that told us they were going to protect and help us, did not! Instead, they demanded the money I owed money which I didn’t have. 

I lost everything. From my business to my career, even to my home. I was in a mental health hell.

I knew I had no choice but to learn how to bounce back from this. Thankfully, I found Michael and Breakout Solutions.

That “way too risky” view of crypto I had was gone. That noisy doubt in my head was silenced. That fearful distrust was removed. The path was finally clear for me. 

I needed to take back control of my wealth and my life. 

I needed to break free from the control of big institutions, big banks, big tech that had all the say when it comes to what I can and can not do financially. 

So, I did all the research and said yes. I wanted to learn more about crypto. 

And that ONE decision, changed the direction of my entire life!

I decided to LEARN. That was the first step that opened so many doors and opportunities for me that now, I am on a mission to educate the world about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

With an opportunity like crypto where so many people turn into overnight millionaires or lose their whole life savings, I knew if I wanted to get this right, I needed the help from experts I could trust.

By learning, working my tail off, getting the right strategies and help, some good fortune, and a lot of conviction, I’m on the other side. I MADE IT HAPPEN. 

…and it’s not too late for you to make it happen in your life too. We are only at the beginning of the amazing financial revolution happening.

So, if you’ve been thinking about starting with crypto or even starting to take your financial life seriously, remember that ONE decision can change your life. 

Start your journey at today!