How to Pay Bills Using Cryptocurrency

Dec 15, 2022

Author: Elle Miller

Companies like BitPay and Coinbase allow us to use cryptocurrency as a payment method. You can use it to buy things online, buy and sell goods, trade in-game items, and more. But there are some other ways to pay with crypto that you might not have thought of before.

For instance, did you know that you can use crypto to pay all your bills? Crypto is a great tool for making payments and setting up recurring payments from one account to another to pay all sorts of bills. 

You can pay straight from your crypto wallet depending on your biller. One of the most common ways people use crypto for bill payments is through an automated payment system like Bitwage or Coinbase (and soon enough other companies will start offering similar services). This allows you to set up recurring payments in advance and schedule them around when they need to be paid. 

Pro Tip: For Australians, a very popular site called Living Room of Satoshi allows many types of bills to be paid with crypto.

In most cases all you need is the biller information for your bills and then you can start taking care of your monthly expenses all whilst storing your wealth in an asset that can appreciate. . The beauty of this system is that it works across various cryptocurrencies, not just Bitcoin. 

Another option is to use your crypto debit/credit card to pay bills - it’s basically using crypto as cash. This can be used anywhere a typical debit/credit card is accepted. 

Using cryptocurrency to pay bills is a good way to keep track of your expenses, automate billing, and save money in an asset-earning vehicle. In some cases, you can even earn crypto rewards just by using crypto to pay bills. This all has the potential to change the way we manage and pay our bills, but paying your bills and being “able” to pay your bills are two different things. Managing your finances well is crucial to getting those bills paid and staying afloat, especially during difficult financial times...

One of the most important ways for you to really get your money working for you is creating passive income streams - as automated and hands-off as possible! If you do it right, this means your passive income could be paying for your expenses automatically. That way, you don’t even have to worry about dealing with bills or coming up short on rent or electricity… it will all just get taken care of automatically...

Say goodbye and good riddance to the anxiety of making ends meet, grinding away in your 9-5, or hustling until there’s no tomorrow. By investing in and using digital asset models, you can create a profitable stream of passive income. 

If you’re interested in learning how we help hundreds of our clients passively earn thousands of dollars through their crypto investments, reach out to us here: